Meet Amanda

My health journey is what led me to build a business that supports and empowers women in all stages of life to flourish & thrive.

Like the women I work with, I have suffered with anxiety, crippling exhaustion, digestive issues, inflammation, unpredictable periods, and restrictive eating. I have carried the weight of frustration and stress over symptoms, of trying everything but never seeing improvement. I have been disappointed with doctors who told me, β€œyour labs look normal,” and then offered me a SSRI.

I have been in that place of despair where it seems like you’ll never feel like yourself again and you’ll never have the energy to do more than just survive. This is why I am passionate about helping women restore balance and reclaim their vitality so they can flourish & thrive. 

Despite growing up in a home that fully embraced Western medicine, I had always been interested in natural health. While in undergrad, I began learning under a beloved crinkly-eyed curandera who taught me of the power in the land, the sun, and the plants. She planted a seed but navigating the stresses of grad school, the hostile culture of academia, and my own health struggles, meant that seed took a long while to root and flourish.

I abandoned academia to immerse myself into the busyness and fullness of motherhood. In pregnancy many of my symptoms went away and I felt great. I was, however, wholly unprepared for the postpartum experience, for the crushing fatigue, and the whole body crash. I couldn’t reconcile the intense exhaustion and feelings of hopelessness with the image of motherhood I had envisioned. Fast forward to life with three little ones and I was running on empty.

I refused to believe anything about what I was experiencing was β€œnormal.” Desperate to feel better, I turned to a skill I honed in graduate schoolβ€”research. I began to nurture that seed that had been planted years before as I soaked up knowledge about ancestral diets, eating to nourish mother and baby, maternal nutrient depletion, the importance of a nervous system that is functioning optimally, what herbs would support a dwindling milk supply, and most importantly I learned that women are not made to go through this without a support system to nurture and nourish them physically, mentally, and spiritually. Yes, motherhood is demanding but it doesn’t have to leave you running on empty.

I began to nourish my body with nutrient-dense foods. I committed to getting outside every day. I learned to rest. I rebuilt my foundation, one small change by one small change until I not only felt better, but I felt like me again. Once I felt better, I embraced motherhood with a warmth and zeal I had missing. I felt so vibrantly healthy, I had three more childrenβ€”all β€œgeriatric” pregnancies. My last child was born when I was 42 :)

Work with me

I work with clients virtually from my cozy cottage office. This means I can be available for my younger three children and I can oversee their homeschool work between clients, explain how to find the area of a circle, correct a composition, and share laughs with them over lunch.

It also means my furry shadow, Gunnr, is able to spend her days where she is happiestβ€”at my side. She might occasionally make an appearance during a Zoom call for a few ear rubs.

On my healing journey, I learned that deep healing can only happen at the intersection of body + mind + spirit. Now I help women in all stages of life experience this same level of connection, health, and wellbeing for themselves. One of the biggest thrills in my job is hearing how my clients are sharing what they learn in our work together, passing it on to their families so they too can thrive.

If you’re here for the short & sweet about me, here you go:

Amanda is a child of the Son/sun, wife, and mama of six. She holds board certification as a Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP-BC), Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP), and Mind Body Spirit Release Practitioner (MBSR-Pro). Her teachings emanate from her extensive education in Ayurveda, herbal medicine, holistic healing, Homeopathy, Quantum Biology, and Muscle Testing.

She is a Manifesting Generator, an INTP, 5w4, Pitta-Vata, introvert, and seeker. She has been curiously exploring a holistic lifestyle for 25+ years. She loves King coffee, house plants, and whales. Staying grounded is the cornerstone of her well-being. Things that help her stay grounded: her family, her dog, sunshine, knitting, and podcasts. Like everyone else, she’s a complicated web of experiences, more than the sum of her parts, and has been told her lighthearted approach is appreciated by clients far and wide.


Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with the American Association For Drugless Practitioners (HHP)

Integrative Health Practitioner, Level 2 (IHP)

Mind Body Spirt Release Practitionerβ„’ (MBSR-PRO)

Extensively studied Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Muscle Testing, Functional Blood Chemistry, Plant Medicine, and Quantum Biology

Currently studying (rising Homeopath) with the School of Intuitive Homeopathy