Castor Oil Packs

In my mind, a castor oil pack is the rockstar sidekick of a detox. Yes, the detox protocol you choose does the heavy lifting but it’s the castor oil packs that assist the detoxification and elimination processes. I don't detox without using a castor oil pack!

Castor oil packs are one of my favorite go-to treatments and the one I like to tell clients about because it gets me some serious side eye. The side eye doesn’t last long once the client tries it because they see the benefits quickly. 

Castor oil is the oil extracted from the castor bean plant. Its use dates back to ancient Egypt, where it was first used as lamp fuel and later for medicinal and beauty treatments. Modern research backs up some of castor oil’s traditional uses including anti-inflammatory properties and laxative effects.

Research has shown that castor oil has a profound influence upon the lymphatic system and the autonomic nervous system along with its anti-inflammatory properties. As castor oil is absorbed through the skin it moves through the lymphatic channels stimulating the natural healing ability of the body and breaking up any inflammation present. Applied topically, castor oil reduces the discoloration, pain, and swelling from soft tissue injury.

How do castor oil packs help during a detox?

Lymphatic congestion is a major factor leading to inflammation and disease. Lymphocytes are your immune system’s disease-fighting cells. These are produced and stored mainly in your lymphatic tissue. 

You have most likely heard of lymphatic drainage. This occurs when the many, many miles of lymphatic tubules in your body collect waste from your tissues and transport it to your blood for elimination. 

Much like the liver gets overburdened from lifestyle choices and environmental toxins and doesn’t clean the blood as efficiently, your lymphatic system gets overwhelmed and doesn’t function optimally thus allowing waste and toxins to build up in the body. 

It is the build up of waste and toxins that make you sick.

This is where castor oil comes into play.  According to research, “the most common [use of castor oil is to] increase eliminations, stimulate the liver, dissolve and remove adhesions and lesions, relieve pain and inflammation, increase lymph circulation, and release colon impaction.” 

As castor oil is absorbed through the skin it moves through the lymphatic channels stimulating the body’s natural healing ability to break inflammation.

Want to learn more about detoxing? Read 5 things about detoxing and Detox your liver naturally.


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