Does your liver need some TLC?
Did you know that your liver performs over 500 different functions in the body? Its primary job is to filter toxins and create bile.
Bile plays a big role in digestion & waste removal. It is released from the bile duct into your small intestine, where it breaks fats down into fatty acids, and helps with the absorption of nutrients. Toxins in the bile are then eliminated through your poop as long as the colon drainage pathway is open and functioning like it was meant to.
If your colon drainage pathway isn’t open, the bile will recirculate and cause toxins to build up—the opposite of what we want to happen. Remember, we’re trying to empty toxins out of your body not hold on to them.
The liver is often overburdened due to the overwhelming number of chemicals and toxins we are exposed to. We want our liver to be functioning optimally so that it can do its job and remove these toxins which helps you feel your best.
How do you know if your liver is congested? Here are a few signs that your liver may need some TLC:
Abdominal pain in your upper right quadrant
Allergies / congestion
Anxiety / depression
Bad breath
Body odor
Dark circles under eyes
Food sensitivities
Greasy or shiny stools
Headaches / dizziness
Hormonal imbalance
Hot flashes
Infrequent bowel movements
Itchy skin and/or rashes
Joint pain / arthritis / stiffness
Painful periods and/or PMS
Sleep difficulty / night waking
Swelling / water retention
Tired upon waking / low energy
Trouble gaining / losing weight
If you have any nagging symptoms, these are signs that your liver needs some love. Stay tuned to learn how to support your liver!