Muscle Testing: What is it & how does it help clients?

Muscle testing or frequency testing, is a noninvasive way of evaluating the body’s imbalances and assessing its needs. Muscle testing uses the body’s biofield—a large field of energy that surrounds and extends out from the body. No part of the energy system is visible to the human eye but the biofield can be felt with hands, often through pressure.

By testing the body’s responses when applying slight pressure to a muscle, your body (not your mind) responds to the stimulus and provides information on energy blockages, the functioning of the organs, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, and many other things. Muscle testing can also be used to test the body’s responses to remedies.

Everything is made up of atoms, electrons, and protons and everything has a different yet unique frequency. Your body’s electrical field responds differently to frequencies like metal, mold, and Candida. When your body’s electrical field is entered by a certain frequency (for example Candida) it either conducts or resists meaning your body gives a strong or weak response to Candida.

During your initial consult, you can choose to be muscle tested or not. If you opt to be muscle tested, Amanda will explain the process and you will proceed with testing (you remain fully clothed) with you either sitting or standing.

What makes muscle testing different?

  • No needles or blood work.

  • Learn what toxicity (environmental, chemical, or metal) your body your body is dealing with.

  • Quickly identify if your body is dealing with an acute or ongoing bacterial, parasitic, or viral infection.

  • Pinpoint food sensitivities, non-invasively and accurately.

  • This method allows you to quickly understand your body, what it needs, and how it begins to change as we peel back and address each layer of toxicity.

  • Muscle testing eliminates the one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare, and brings an individualized approach.

  • Your bio-individualized protocol is designed based on your body’s muscle testing responses and promotes deep healing from the inside out.

Consider the amount of chemical, metal, and environmental toxicity we were born with, breathe in, eat, and take in on a daily basis. When you think about it, it isn’t hard to understand just how stressed out our bodies are. The good news is that your body is designed to heal itself, it just needs to be supported. Muscle testing is a gentle, non-invasive way to support your body’s healing journey.

Ready to get solutions to your unanswered health questions? Hop on a no-pressure Discovery Call to see if we’re a good fit. 


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