Why Mindset Matters
For healing, it is important that we activate our parasympathetic nervous system, also known as rest and digest mode. In this state our heart and respiratory rates decrease, digestion increases, and our bodies are in a relaxed state. This tells our body that we are safe, that there is space to do the work of healing rather than dealing with excess stress.
There is great benefit to be had when you shift your mindset from negative to positive—this shift plays a direct role in activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Healing is very much an inside job meaning, when we do the inner work to move through difficult emotions and mindsets to shift toward a healthier perspective, it creates noticeable shifts in the physical body, including relieving tension, reducing physical pain, and reducing emotional pain. When we no longer let negativity take root in our body and mind, we experience a greater sense of peace and calm which allows the body more space to heal. When we believe we can feel better, we do get better. This is why mindset matters.
Shifting your mindset takes time, relearning, and effort. It is a practice that, the more you do it, the better you get, and the easier it gets. Throughout my healing journey, I have used many tools to cultivate a healthier mindset—breath work, gratitude, journaling, meditation or prayer, and yoga. Slowly but surely, I began to feel a little bit lighter, a little bit more hopeful, and like I was finally starting to heal.
When clients ask, if I could only do one thing, what would you recommend? I say, I wish I had gotten a handle on my mindset sooner. Because living all those years with an unhealthy mindset not only extended my journey, it made healing more difficult.
Start the Shift
The first step towards a healthier mindset is to embrace your situation. When times get tough, we often get stuck in the rut of, life is unfair, why is this happening to me?, and I will never get better. Allowing your thoughts to travel in that rut for a period of time means your body begins to believe those thoughts. By staying in that downward thought spiral, we give our situation power and allow it to control us, causing feelings of despair and hopelessness to control us.
Flip the Script
When you allow yourself to feel all of these feelings and despite them, make the conscious decision not to dwell in the negative but rather move through them, you begin to flip the script. By learning to embrace your current situation without the judgement, negativity, and the all the shoulds we heap on ourselves, you can actually reduce overwhelm and resistance, in turn reducing stress. Embracing your situation takes the power away from your situation and puts it back in your hands. In this space, you can begin to make positive shifts in your life so you can live the full, healthy life you know you deserve.
If you need help making a plan to flip the script and change your mindset, I would love to help you!